20 Traditional British Recipes (2024)

Watching the Coronation of King Charles on Saturday May 6? We’ve rounded up some of the dishes most synonymous with British cuisine for your perusal during the broadcast, or to inspire a themed feast.

Includes shepherd’s pie and an impressive beef wellington, marmalade that would make Paddington smile, a rhubarb crumble cake and a totally comforting bread and butter pudding.

Keen to try a Coronation Chicken recipe? Here’s our take on this classic dish, which was originally created for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953. Or give King Charles and Queen Camilla’s Coronation Quiche recipe a go.

For The Weekly’s guide to the Coronation, click here.

20 Traditional British Recipes (1)


Windsor shortbread

Windsor shortbread

The addition of both lemon and orange rind gives a heavenly citrus hint while the use of brown sugar rounds out the flavour of these sweet buttery biscuits. Cookie stamps add a bit of extra flair.

20 Traditional British Recipes (2)


Coronation chicken

Originally called ‘Poulet Reine Elizabeth’, the recipe for Coronation Chicken was created by Le Cordon Bleu cooking school in London to be served at the official luncheon of the 1953 coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. This recipe is our contemporary take on the original.

20 Traditional British Recipes (3)


Coronation quiche

The humble quiche has been thrust into the spotlight with the announcement of Coronation Chicken’s successor, the Coronation Quiche, chosen by King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla.

20 Traditional British Recipes (4)


Welsh rarebit

Welsh rarebit – like a cheese toastie…but even tastier.

20 Traditional British Recipes (5)



Paddington’s favourite sandwich spread! Marmalade can be made from a variety of citrus fruits, including oranges and mandarins.

20 Traditional British Recipes (7)


Cornish pasties

A Cornish pasty features beef and vegetables encased in pastry. Try this beef and veggie pasty recipe. Or these Cornish pasties.

20 Traditional British Recipes (8)


Scotch eggs with herb mayonnaise

Scotch eggs with herb mayonnaise

Learn to make the classic British scotch eggs from scratch. Boiled eggs wrapped in sausage meat and crumbed then fried. Perfect for a picnic or party

20 Traditional British Recipes (9)


Sweet potato bubble and squeak

Sweet potato bubble and squeak

This old favourite has been revamped using sweet potato as the star. Served with poached eggs and fetta, it’s a must-have for your next brunch menu

20 Traditional British Recipes (10)




From the great British repertoire of recipes with amusing names comes one of the top contenders, toad in the hole. The link between the name and a dish of sausages cooked in batter is obscure, but that doesn’t stop it being a tasty, filling plate of comfort food.

20 Traditional British Recipes (11)


Beef wellington

Beef wellington or try this one with cauliflower cream.

20 Traditional British Recipes (12)


Mini shepherd’s pies

Mini shepherd’s pies with cheesy potato topping

20 Traditional British Recipes (13)


Victoria sponge

Victoria sponge

This cake recipe is simplicity at its finest. Take out the frills and replace them with a winning combination of great flavours and a moist texture.

20 Traditional British Recipes (14)


Sticky date pudding

Sticky date pudding. This irresistibly rich all-time favourite dessert is so easy to make. The best part – that amazingly moreish butterscotch sauce.

20 Traditional British Recipes (15)


Classic scones

Scones served with jam and cream are an afternoon tea classic. Or try this recipe for light and fluffy scones – it includes adaptations for dainty little scones and larger more impressive scones.

20 Traditional British Recipes (16)


Finger buns

Finger buns

Do you remember staring through the display glass cabinet, desperately yearning for one of those delicious looking finger buns? Well yearn no more, for you shall make your own and eat as many as you like!

Or try making Chelsea buns instead. They were created by a baker at the Chelsea bun house several hundred years ago. If you’re not a fan of currants, swap them for chopped mixed nuts or other dried fruit, such as tropical fruit mix.

20 Traditional British Recipes (17)


Rhubarb crumble cake

A delicious rhubarb crumble cake.

20 Traditional British Recipes (18)


Bread and butter pudding

Bread and butter pudding

20 Traditional British Recipes (19)


Summer trifle

Summer trifle

20 Traditional British Recipes (20)


Rhubarb fool

Rhubarb fool


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Trusted by home cooks for 90 years, The Australian Women’s Weekly’s Test Kitchen and cookbooks hold a singular place in shaping home cooking within the Australian culinary landscape. Today, the AWW Test Kitchen in Sydney is a thriving hub for food content, connected to two bustling photographic studios where a talented team of Australia’s best recipe developers, art directors, editors and photographers create our world class food content. Our recipes are thoroughly tested and tasted and given the Test Kitchen tick of approval, guaranteeing you’ll get great results in your home kitchen.

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20 Traditional British Recipes (2024)


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