Cherry Blossom Trees: Do They Actually Produce Cherries? (2024)

Do cherry blossom trees grow cherries? This is a question that many people ask when they see the beautiful pink and white blooms of the cherry blossom tree. The answer to this question, however, is not as simple as a yes or no.

Cherry blossoms are known for their stunning display during springtime, where their delicate petals create an iconic sight around the world. But many people wonder if they can enjoy both these beautiful flowers and tasty cherries from the same tree. While it may seem logical that cherry blossom trees would produce fruit due to their name association with cherries, in reality, things work differently.

In this article, we will explore whether or not cherry blossom trees actually grow cherries and everything you need to know about these gorgeous flowering trees. So let's dive into it together!

Cherry blossom trees are ornamental deciduous flowering plants that do not produce cherries for human consumption. The fruit of a cherry blossom tree is a small black or red drupe, which has no culinary value. However, they offer plenty of benefits like ornamental value, symbolic significance and medicinal properties. If you’re considering planting one in your garden make sure to keep in mind their location/soil type/watering/fertilization/pruning&shaping needs all leading towards healthy growth giving us eternal memories under the blooming pink-and-white flowers each spring!

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Do Cherry Blossom Trees Grow Cherries?


Cherry blossom trees are known for their stunning beauty and delicate flowers that bloom in spring. These trees have become a symbol of hope, renewal, and new beginnings all around the world. However, many people wonder whether these trees actually produce cherries or not.

In this article, we will answer the question "do cherry blossom trees grow cherries?" We will explore everything you need to know about cherry blossom trees and their fruits.

What Are Cherry Blossom Trees?

Cherry blossom trees are ornamental deciduous flowering plants that belong to the Rosaceae family. They are native to Japan but have become popular worldwide due to their stunning beauty. These iconic pink or white flowers bloom for only a short period each year during springtime when they announce the arrival of warmer weather.

There are many species of cherry blossoms such as Somei-Yoshino (Prunus x yedoensis), Higan Cherry (Prunus subhirtella), Sargent's Cherry (Prunus sargentii), etc., which differ in color and blooming time.

The Japanese celebrate Hanami every year between March-April as a tradition where people gather under blooming cherry blossoms enjoying drinks & food with friends & family celebrating happiness & joyfulness signified by these beautiful creations of nature!

What Are Cherries?

Before proceeding further into answering our main question let's be clear about what cherries are? Cherries refer to any type of fruit produced by several species belonging mainly under two subspecies: sweet cherries (Prunus avium) or sour/tart cherries (Prunus cerasus).

These fruits come in various colors like yellow-reddish-golden-green-brown-black shades depending upon maturity levels at harvest-time which determines their sweetness/bitterness, ripeness, & taste.

Cherries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber. They have been linked to numerous health benefits including reducing inflammation, promoting heart health and improving sleep quality.

Do Cherry Blossom Trees Produce Cherries?

The answer is both 'Yes' & 'No'. While the cherry blossom tree is certainly related to the cherry fruit tree it does not produce cherries that we eat. The fruit of a cherry blossom tree is a small black or red drupe which means that it has a fleshy outer layer surrounding an inner seed which can be eaten but has no culinary value.

These tiny fruits grow on slender stalks called pedicels underneath the blossoms. Their color varies from red to purple-black with an average size of 8-10 mm diameter making them difficult for human consumption because they're too small & bitter!

Comparison between Cherry Blossom Tree Fruits And Cherries

As mentioned earlier there's no comparison possible since these are two completely different types of fruits belonging but originating from different species under Rosaceae family.
Let's look at some differences between cherry blossom trees' drupes (fruit) versus cherries –

FeatureCherry Blossom Tree FruitCherry
SizeSmall – 8-10mm DiameterLarge – Up To An Inch In Diameter
Culinary ValueMakes tea/flavoring agents/edible/mostly used for ornamental purposes.Eaten Raw/Cooked/Dried/Made into Jams/Jellies/Pies/Juices

Benefits of Cherry Blossom Trees

Even though cherry blossom trees do not produce edible cherries like their cousins under Prunus family; they still offer plenty of benefits that are worth appreciating.

  1. Ornamental Value: Cherry blossom trees make for stunning ornamental plants, adding color and beauty to any landscape or garden.
  2. Symbolic Significance: As mentioned before they're a symbol of hope & renewal signifying new beginnings providing people with an opportunity to celebrate life, love & happiness under these beautiful creations of nature!
  3. Medicinal Benefits: Some studies suggest that cherry blossom extract may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can be used in treating various ailments such as arthritis, eczema etc.

Tips On Caring For Your Cherry Blossom Tree

If you are considering planting a cherry blossom tree in your garden there are few things you need to keep in mind –

  1. Location: Plant your tree where it will receive full sun at least 6 hours per day.
  2. Soil Type: These trees prefer well-draining fertile soil with slightly acidic pH levels ranging from 5-6.
  3. Watering Needs – These trees require regular watering (at least once or twice weekly) especially during the growing season
  4. Fertilization – Apply fertilizers rich in nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium ratios (10-10-10) every Spring for healthy growth
    5 Pruning & Shaping – Regular pruning helps maintain shape/size and encourages more blooms ensuring longevity


In conclusion, while cherry blossoms do not produce cherries like their cousins but their significance cannot be ignored! Their ornamental value provides joy/happiness while being symbolic of hope/renewal making them perfect additions to any landscape/garden!

So if you're considering planting one care must be taken into consideration regarding its location/soil type/watering/fertilization/pruning&shaping needs all leading towards healthy growth giving us eternal memories under the blooming pink-and-white flowers each spring!


Do cherry blossom trees grow cherries?

Cherry blossom trees, also known as Sakura in Japan, are popular for their stunning pink or white flower blooms that attract visitors from all over the world. However, despite the name "cherry", these trees do not actually produce cherries that you can eat.

The confusion may arise because both cherry blossom trees and fruit-bearing cherry trees belong to the same family of plants called Rosaceae. While fruit-bearing cherry trees produce edible fruits such as sweet cherries (Prunus avium) and sour cherries (Prunus cerasus), Cherry Blossom Trees are ornamental and are grown primarily for their beauty.

These beautiful flowering plants originated in Asia but have become a popular ornamental plant across the globe due to its vibrant flowers. There exist hundreds of species worldwide with most producing small pinkish-white flowers blooming during springtime.

What is a Cherry Blossom?

A Cherry Blossom is a type of flower produced by certain species of Prunus tree family commonly known as Sakura blossoms in Japan. This gorgeous bloom usually lasts between 7-14 days depending on temperature changes and other climatic conditions.

The colors range from light pink to dark magenta or purple. Cultivars have been developed which include white ("Shirotae"), pale pink ("Kanzan"), dark pink ("Kwanzan") among others

Why do people confuse Cherry Blossoms with Cherries?

As earlier mentioned, both fruits bearing Cherries and non-fruit bearing Cherry blossoms belong to Rosaceae family which probably led to some people believing they’re related somehow or assume that they bear similar fruits considering shared characteristics like shape & size etc.

Additionally many countries use "cherry" interchangeably when referring either to sweet or sour varieties often associated with desserts especially pies & cakes hence it’s understandable how one could easily mistake what type(s) of cherry tree is being referred to.

What is the significance of Cherry Blossoms?

The significance of cherry blossoms varies across cultures and history. In Japan, it’s a national symbol representing renewal, hope & transformation often used in celebrations such as Hanami (flower viewing) festivals which take place annually during springtime when the flowers bloom.

In other places like United States where many Japanese immigrants settled during 1900s after WWII, Cherry Blossoms were planted as tribute to the friendship between US & Japan.

Other parts have adopted them for beauty reasons given their attractive nature making them a popular tourist attraction with millions visiting places like Washington DC's Tidal Basin park which features over 3k trees planted by japan in most recent years.

Is there any way You can Make use of Cherry blossom trees?

Cherry blossom trees are not only beautiful ornamental plants but they also have health benefits including medicinal purposes thanks to high antioxidant levels found within its flowers and leaves among other parts hence their increasing popularity among herbalists worldwide who incorporate them into supplements or teas for instance due anti-inflammatory properties that may guard against various diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer's etcetera

However, it should be emphasized that medical advice must always be sought before using any plant-based treatment even those deemed safe by holistic practitioners if one does not want adverse effects on health caused by mis-use either through overdose or interactions with prescription medication(s).

Cherry Blossom Trees: Do They Actually Produce Cherries? (2024)


Cherry Blossom Trees: Do They Actually Produce Cherries? ›

Well, many of them do, anyway. Though these trees were bred for flowers, not fruit, some do produce small cherries, which appear during the summer. They're too sour for people to eat, but birds like them.

Do cherry blossoms actually grow cherries? ›

The opposite is true for ornamental cherry blossom trees. These trees still produce small fruits, but they are cultivated for their beauty and hybridized to produce the best-looking flowers with the longest blossoming time.

Are all cherry blossoms edible? ›

Not all cherry tree relatives have blossoms which are considered edible. The small, white flowers of the evergreen shrub cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) which are held in clusters on single spikes, are not treated as edible.

Does cherry wood come from cherry blossom trees? ›

Cherry wood comes from the American Black Cherry Tree (Prunus serotina). It grows all along the east coast, midwest, and throughout parts of Mexico. The majority of the cherry wood used in furniture and cabinetmaking is grown in sustainably managed forests in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and upstate New York.

Can you eat cherries from a cherry tree? ›

If you come across a cherry tree while on a summer hike, it can be tempting to pick and snack on a few fruits, but you may want to think twice before you pick a few from the tree. Although the most common wild cherries are safe to eat, it can be easy to confuse fruits in the forest.

Do cherry blossoms smell like cherries? ›

The scent of cherry flower is indeed subtle, but it's not bland. Neither is it sweet or fruity of the commercial fragrance type. The scent is bitter and green. If you bury your face in the petals and let the yellow pollen settle on your cheeks, you notice hints of Amaretto, honey and green sap.

Why does my cherry tree have blossoms but no fruit? ›

One is inadequate pollination. Some cherry trees are not self fertile and require a different variety somewhat nearby for pollination and to get good fruit set. The tree will form small cherries so one may believe the blossoms were pollinated, but then the tree aborts the fruit. Second is a nutrient deficiency.

How many years does it take for a cherry tree to fruit? ›

These cherry trees typically take about 4 to 7 years after planting to bear fruit. Sweet cherry trees will yield approximately 15-20 quarts for dwarf trees, and 30-50 quarts for semi-dwarf trees.

What do cherry blossoms turn into? ›

The flowers make seeds and fruits. Seeds are how new plants grow! Packed into each seed is all the nutrients a new plant needs to sprout from the soil and begin growing.

Why did Japan give us cherry blossoms? ›

The planting of cherry trees in Washington DC originated in 1912 as a gift of friendship to the People of the United States from the People of Japan. In Japan, the flowering cherry tree, or "Sakura," is an important flowering plant. The beauty of the cherry blossom is a symbol with rich meaning in Japanese culture.

What is the difference between a cherry tree and a cherry blossom tree? ›

Essentially, both trees are related and produce similar flowers and fruits. However, cherry trees are grown for their tasty fruits, while cherry blossom trees are grown for their beautiful flowers, and neither can compete with the other in the opposing category.

Do I need 2 cherry trees to get fruit? ›

On the other hand, while sweet cherry trees are also monoecious, many/most are self-incompatible and won't produce fruit on their own, meaning you typically need at least two individuals from different varieties and/or cultivars to get proper pollination.

Are wild cherries real? ›

Wild cherry has many cultivars and is a popular ornamental tree in gardens. Traditionally, cherries were planted for their fruit and also their wood which was used for making cask hoops and vine poles. The sticky resin was thought to promote a good complexion and eyesight, and help to cure coughs.

Do cherry blossoms grow cherries in Japan? ›

Do cherry blossoms grow cherries?" you might ask. The Japanese sakura tree does indeed grow small fruits, but they are completely inedible. Cherries come from a similar species of tree, but cherry blossoms grow chrysanthemums—Japan's national flower. Sakura flavor comes from the petals, but more on that later.

Are sakura cherries edible? ›

The brief but exalted hanami, or flower viewing, season symbolizes the evanescent sweetness of life. Cherry blossom trees have the sakura fruit (the cherries), and the delicate pink flowers serve as reminders of this truth. Both the flower and the cherry itself have delicious potential.

Where do cherries come from? ›

The native habitat of the species from which the cultivated cherries came is believed to be in western Asia and eastern Europe from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans. Cherries are grown in all areas of the world where winter temperatures are not too severe and where summer temperatures are moderate.


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