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Listen to Farron Cousins' latest commentary on the news of the day.

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Listen to Farron Cousins' latest commentary on the news of the day.






Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlAllies Fear That Furious Trump Will Explode In The Courtroom4/26/2024

Donald Trump has not been shy about letting the world know how angry he is about being stuck in a courtroom for his criminal trial, and he's been showing his visible disdain for the proceedings while sitting in the courtroom. Sources close to Trump spoke to CNN this week and expressed their concerns about his anger going out of control, which could result in him blowing up in court - which would then blow up his case.Also, Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes sent a letter to his former Republican colleagues on Capitol Hill this week, begging them to save his company as the stock price keeps falling. Specifically, Nunes wants the House to launch an investigation into whether or not people are engaging in "naked short selling" of the stock, which is an illegal practice that involves people betting on the stock continuing to decline. But there's a very significant problem with Nunes' request.And Donald Trump has put his two idiot sons, Don Jr. and Eric, in charge of vetting potential White House staffers and cabinet members to make sure that they have unconditional loyalty to him. Their goal, as reported by Axios who spoke to people close to Junior, is to prevent more people like John Bolton from getting into the administration. But their REAL goal is to make sure that there won't be anyone in the administration that will tell Trump "no."Finally, Donald Trump's mental health is in a very bad place right now, and the whole world knows it based on his outbursts outside the courtroom as well as his posts on Truth Social. The alternative reality that he has been living in for far too long is crashing down around him, and he doesn't know how to deal with the real world that he's now faced with. The trial is certainly taking its toll on him, and we're not even close to being halfway through with it, so we can expect even more mental deterioration as it drags on.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Begs Republicans To Save Him In Desperate 2am Truth Social Rant4/25/2024

Donald Trump is losing a lot of sleep as he frets about his legal troubles, and at 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning he sent out a frantic post on Truth Social where he begged Republicans to step in and stop his trial. Trump is definitely wearing his emotions on his sleeve, and it isn't a good look. His mind is going to keep deteriorating as this process drags on.Also, things are going from bad to worse for Marjorie Taylor Greene as she continues to lose allies in her fight against her own Party. This past weekend, Donald Trump reversed course and said that he supports the aid packages that Greene has been railing against. Once that happened, Greene suffered an avalanche of attacks from conservative media outlets that were once her closest friends. Greene is all alone and vulnerable.And a treasure trove of documents related to the Mar-a-Lago documents case against Donald Trump were released this week, and they don't do Trump any favors. Among the more shocking revelations was that the FBI failed to search a secret room that was hidden within Trump's bedroom at the golf resort, which means there could be even more hidden documents that the government doesn't know about.Finally, Donald Trump and his lawyers have had a really bad week in court so far, and that fact is weighing heavily on Trump. During the gag order violation hearing this week, the judge snapped at Trump's lawyer for failing to answer a question and warned him that he is "losing his credibility." After court ended for the day, Trump got on Truth Social to have a meltdown about the judge humiliating his lawyer in front of the jury, and proceeded to send out a fundraising email saying that he was being "held hostage."Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Has A Meltdown After Just 10 People Showed Up To Support Him At Courthouse4/24/2024

Over the weekend, Donald Trump called for his supporters to show up in large numbers to protest his prosecution at the New York courthouse. Instead of being greeted by hordes of his supporters, there were about 10 people that showed up to protest his prosecution. The former President was furious, and once again got on Truth Social to beg people to show up and let him know that he is loved.Also, during an appearance on Newsmax this week, Kari Lake went on a rant about how bad Hillary Clinton is and repeated debunked conspiracy theories that people in her orbit have a bad habit of "mysteriously" dying. She then made sure to point out that she loves her life, and if anything happens to her it is because someone - like Hillary Clinton - had it out for her. This is a dangerous lie to be spreading, and is the kind of thing that prompts unhinged right wingers to commit unspeakable acts.And Fox News host Jesse Watters is apparently worried about Donald Trump's health as he is forced to sit for long hours in a courtroom for the next few weeks. During a segment this week, Watters whined that Trump needs exercise and he's "usually golfing", but he can't do that when he's stuck in court and that's not good for his body. Watters then went a step forward and said that denying Trump the ability to play golf is "cruel and unusual punishment."Finally, Alina Habba had to appear in court for Donald Trump on Monday for a bond hearing, and afterwards she immediately ran to reporters with cameras to rant about how unfair everything is. But the reporters didn't buy into her arguments, and the microphones around Habba picked up a ton of laughter coming from the audience as she attempted to claim that the justice system is rigged against Trump. No one believes her and no one respects her, but she still doesn't seem to notice.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlRepublican Congressman Goes Nuclear On "Scumbag" Matt Gaetz4/23/2024

During an appearance on CNN this past weekend, Republican Congressman Tony Gonzalez went scorched earth against some of his Republican colleagues, paying particular attention to Matt Gaetz. Not only did Gonzalez say that he serves with "some real scumbags" in Congress, but he also made shocking allegations about Gaetz's behavior that is currently being investigated by the House Ethics Committee.Also, Donald Trump has not been happy with the pathetic show of support that he has received since his trial began, and he has now resorted to begging his supporters to show up and protest outside the courthouse. Last week he only had about 50 supporters that actually showed up on the first day, and that number appeared to shrink as the week went on. And with other protestors (on other issues) flooding Manhattan, Trump is left looking like a lost cause.And during an interview on Fox News on Sunday, Marjorie Taylor Greene was asked by host Maria Bartiromo to explain her plan for ousting House Speaker Mike Johnson, along with her rationale for doing so. When Greene stumbled, Bartiromo went to break to give Greene some time to gather her thoughts, but even that didn't help. Bartiromo appeared to get annoyed at that point and was forced to call out Greene for not actually having a plan and just seeming to want to cause chaos.Finally, rumors have been swirling since last week that Donald Trump is having trouble controlling his flatulence during his criminal trial, with several people reporting that they've heard of a "putrid smell" permeating through the courtroom. While these rumors have not been confirmed, what has been confirmed is that Trump's legal team spent $700 at a nearby McDonald's during lunch on Thursday, and that amount of fast food is certainly enough to give anyone a little gas.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlJudge Delivers Critical Blow To Trump's Legal Defense4/22/2024

Following Donald Trump's repeated violations of the gag order against him, Judge Juan Merchan was left with little choice but to punish Trump and his legal team. The judge ruled late last week that the names of the first three witnesses that the prosecution is going to call will remain sealed, preventing Trump's team from being ready for what is coming once the trial fully commences. This is a massive blow to Trump's team.Also, according to a sworn statement from a witness to the House Ethics Committee, Congressman Matt Gaetz attended a party in 2017 - while he was a sitting lawmaker - that was filled with drugs and underage girls. This is the type of information that the Committee is gathering against Gaetz, but they are running out of time if they want this to have an impact on this year's election. Farron explains what the Committee has found and how it may impact Gaetz this year.And as he was heading into the courtroom on Friday morning, Donald Trump raged to reporters about the gag order that has been placed on him. In a lie-filled rant, Trump claimed that he's "only telling the truth" about what's happening, when in fact, he's actually posted numerous claims that are complete fabrications. He knows that he's about to get punished, possibly harshly, and he thinks lying to the public is the only way to save himself.Finally, Donald Trump is not legally able to take money away from his campaign to support his businesses, so he's going back to his old habits of using his own properties and then charging his campaign for the costs. This is what he did as president to help prop up his businesses, and now he's doing it with his donors' money. This is a bad look for Trump, especially since his financial troubles are now well-known by everyone.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlProsecutors Tell Judge That Trump Has Violated Gag Order SEVEN Times Since Monday4/21/2024

Judge Juan Merchan has set a hearing for Tuesday to discuss Donald Trump's violations of the gag order against him, and prosecutors are coming with all the ammo that they can find. On Thursday, they informed the judge that Donald Trump had violated at least 7 times already since jury selection began on Monday. Given the drama surrounding the doxxing of the jury, it is possible that the judge decides to throw the book at Trump to show that he's done playing.Also, a bill in Congress that would provide aid to Israel received an interesting new amendment, courtesy of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene's amendment would finally create the "space lasers" that she swears she never insisted were real. The worst part is that this isn't even the worst part of Greene's amendment spree this past week. She also tacked on an amendment to a bill to provide aid to Ukraine that is somehow even weirder than her space laser request.Finally, the Trump Media group is panicking right now as their stock prices continue to fall. They sent around a memo this week telling investors and shareholders how to prevent their stocks from ending up in the hands of "short sellers" who are betting the price of the stock is going to drop even further. This is a bad sign for the company, as short sellers are more like the vultures that are circling a wounded animal on the plains, and that's never a good omen.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Jurors Keep Getting Doxxed Even After Judge's Warning4/20/2024

Things are getting dicey with the ongoing criminal trial of Donald Trump, as multiple jurors have now been doxxed, and some have even quit over fears that they will be exposed to the public. This is not a normal situation at all, and the judge has had to issue stern warnings to those doing the doxxing. Unfortunately, those warnings have stopped nothing, and the jurors are still at an enormous risk because of that.Also, the infighting between Republicans in the House of Representatives reached a new high (or low, depending on your view of things) this week when the yelling and shouting erupted during a meeting over the ousting of Speaker Mike Johnson. At one point, the fighting was so intense that one Republican lawmaker called Matt Gaetz "tubby." These are not adults, and they certainly aren't people who are mature enough to lead the country.Finally, as he was leaving the courtroom on Thursday, Donald Trump took some time to speak to reporters, and he came prepared with visual aides. The former president had printouts of multiple Fox News stories that railed against his prosecution, and he somehow thought that this made him look less guilty or that somehow it proved the prosecution was unconstitutional. None of the people he cited are even lawyers, so their opinions on anything don't even matter.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Trashes "Stupid" Jimmy Kimmel For Mocking Truth Social Stock Nosedive4/19/2024

Like most people, Jimmy Kimmel is having a fun time watching Donald Trump's stock price fall to the floor, and he took a shot at Trump's failing company during a monologue this week. This didn't sit well with Trump, and he got on Truth Social to launch an absolutely unhinged tirade against the late night talk show host. But Kimmel's critique of the Truth Social stock is accurate, and no amount of ranting from Trump is going to fix it.Also, Smartmatic, the voting machine software company that is suing Mike Lindell for defamation, has requested an immediate court hearing to determine Lindell's financial status. The issue is not necessarily about the defamation lawsuit, but instead is about the legal fees that Lindell owes the company but has so far failed to pay. The company wants to know if he even has the money to pay them, and that could be a huge blow to Lindell.And things are continuing to go very poorly for Lauren Boebert. According to the latest round of financial data, her fundraising efforts have netted her roughly half of what she is used to in the first quarter of this year. This comes as Boebert is facing a very difficult primary race in her new district. But this all goes back to her "performance" in the audience of the Beetlejuice musical, as her fundraising has not recovered to the levels she enjoyed prior to that evening.Finally, Alina Habba appears to be loving her new role as media personality for Donald Trump, and that's likely because she can just make stuff up without anyone fact checking her. That's what happened this week when she defended Trump from reports that he was napping at several points during multiple days of his trial this week. Habba claimed that the reason he may have dozed off was because jury selection is boring AND because Donald Trump just reads so much all the time. Not only is that not true, but it isn't even an actual excuse for falling asleep in court.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlAlina Habba Offers Stunningly Stupid Defense Of Trump's Hush Money Payments4/17/2024

Alina Habba might not be representing Donald Trump in his hush money trial, but she is certainly defending him in the media. Habba was on Sean Hannity's program on Monday night to lie on Trump's behalf about what happened in the trial. Her defense of the former President was so bad and so untrue that legal scholars had to roast her on social media. Habba gave a stunningly stupid defense of Trump's actions.Also, Donald Trump is not off to a great start in his first criminal trial, and the judge has already been forced to warn him that he has the authority to arrest and jail him if he doesn't play by the court's rules. Trump has long enjoyed the privilege of coming and going as he pleases from his other trials, but Judge Juan Merchan said that things are different with criminal trials, and if he skips out for even a day, he'll be immediately arrested. There is much more to this threat than most people realize.And MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has long maintained that the US Supreme Court was going to save him (and overturn the 2020 election results,) but the Court showed him this week that they want nothing to do with him. Lindell had brought a case to the Court challenging the seizure of his cell phone from a Hardee's parking lot back in 2022, and the Court refused to hear his challenge which means there's nothing left for him to do but wait for the results of that investigation.Finally, Donald Trump has a bad habit of saying what's on his mind, even when he shouldn't be speaking at all. He's been admonished by multiple judges in the past for doing this in court, but now his lawyers have reportedly warned him repeatedly that he has to play by different rules in the criminal trial. Reports say that Trump's lawyers have warned him about throwing "temper tantrums" in the court room, but the irony is that one of Trump's lawyers has already been scolded by the judge for having his own temper tantrum.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Clearly Violates Gag Order By Attacking Multiple Witnesses In Fraud Trial4/16/2024

On Sunday evening, the day before his fraud trial began, Donald Trump fired off a series of posts on Truth Social where he very clearly violated the gag order against him by attacking two of the witnesses against him. First, he went after former Manhattan prosecutor Mark Pomerantz and then he went after Michael Cohen. The original gag order expressly prohibited Trump from attacking any of the witnesses, yet here we are.Also, during a rally in Pennsylvania this past weekend, Donald Trump told his bored audience that it really "bothers" him when people say that he isn't popular. But that is actually the truth, as polls have consistently shown that voters want ANYONE but President Biden and Trump on the ballot this year, and both men have underwater approval ratings. So, by definition, Trump is unpopular, but he gets annoyed when people tell him that very basic truth.And according to new reports, small time investors into Trump Media and Technology Group are both confused and scared about the ongoing downward spiral of the Trump stock. The price per share bottomed out at the end of last week, and the criminal trial could drive prices down even further as they threaten the only draw the platform has - Trump himself being on it. But the weirdest part is that these investors keep buying more stock, even as they lose everything.Finally, Donald Trump is still as delusional as ever. The former president who is now sitting in court for his first criminal trial believes that his lingering criminal indictments could actually help him win in November. This runs contrary to what every poll on the issue has found, but Trump has never been one to let reality get in the way of his thinking. He believes that if he continues to play the victim then the voters will line up behind him.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlLauren Boebert's Son Whines About Cost Of Lawyers As He Faces Felony Charges4/15/2024

Lauren Boebert's son Tyler is facing serious felony charges related to an alleged "crime spree" that he was a part of and was recently arrested for. The young Boebert was in court recently where he told a judge that he's struggling to pay for a lawyer because they are so expensive, and the judge agreed to give him more time to find one and then complimented the boy on the way he was dressed. Something doesn't add up about all of this.Also, the start of Donald Trump's hush money trial is going to be an event watched by millions of people, and Trump's political future could depend on the outcome. A stunning new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe the hush money charges are serious, and a majority of Independent voters say that a conviction will immediately render him a non-choice - a claim echoed by a quarter of Republican voters. This means that a conviction will doom his reelection bid.And Lara Trump and her RNC are pushing out robocalls to Republicans that repeat Donald Trump's debunked lies about fraud in the electoral system. Not only is this a bad strategy for getting out the vote, but it is also a turn off for millions of potential voters who have said for years that Republicans need to move on from 2020. But with Trump's takeover of the Party apparatus, moving on will never happen, and that's going to cost them.Finally, Donald Trump has spent most of the past year calling judges and prosecutors every name he can think of, but he draws the line at the judge he appointed - Aileen Cannon. In fact, Trump recently rushed to her defense, whining about the fact that people are calling her names online! This is the ultimate in double standards, and it is further proof that Trump is trying to suck up to the judge so that she'll keep ruling in his favor.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlCowardly Matt Gaetz Literally Ran Away From Reporter Asking Simple Questions4/14/2024

A reporter for The Atlantic was seeking to do a profile piece on Matt Gaetz a few months ago, but she had a hard time getting him to actually answer any of her questions. The reporter says that as soon as she introduced herself, Gaetz turned and started actually running away from her before she could explain what was happening. When she finally caught up to him, all she could ask was "are you afraid of me?" Gaetz pretends to be a big tough "Firebrand," but he's really just a coward.Also, Rudy Giuliani's financial problems could get much worse in the near future, as one of the donors to his legal defense fund is facing a massive fraud lawsuit that could force Giuliani to return his donation. The donor - a Trump-supporting businessman - is being sued by people who say that they were ripped off by his company, and in order to avoid paying them back, he sent his money to all sorts of political causes, including Giuliani's defense fund.Finally, the Republican Lt. Governor of Georgia, Burt Jones, is finally being investigated for his role as one of the fake electors from the state in the 2020 election. Many other fake electors have already been indicted by Fani Willis, but she was forbidden from investigating Jones because she had attended a fundraiser for his rival several years ago. But now the investigation can finally move forward after being stalled for nearly two years, and that could be bad news for the upcoming Trump trial in the state.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Sends Frantic Message To Supporters Saying "All Hell Will Break Loose" Monday4/13/2024

Donald Trump issued what some believe to be a call to action to his supporters ahead of his first criminal trial that begins Monday. Trump warned his supporters about the dangers he's facing with the trial before telling them that "all hell will break loose" if they do not help him. This is similar to his "fight like Hell" comment that happened right before the Capitol Riot.Also, Donald Trump certainly has a way with words, but it isn't a skill that anyone should be jealous of. In a rambling, 2-minute video he posted to Truth Social this week, the former President managed to repeat himself a whopping 21 times on different subjects. That means that every five seconds he was saying what he had just said. This is not something that a "very stable genius" does, and it could be a sign of deeper cognitive problems.Finally, Marjorie Taylor Greene is now in damage control mode after a new report said that Donald Trump is getting sick of her behavior. The report says that multiple Trump insiders confirmed that the former President is growing tired of Greene's antics in Congress and the chaos that she's causing, but Greene insists that he "still loves" her. Lindsey Graham already learned this past week that Trump's loyalty is not limitless, and Greene could be the next one to learn that lesson.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Admits That He's TERRIFIED Of Going To Jail4/12/2024

In a frantic post on Truth Social this week, Donald Trump let his emotions overtake him and he admitted that he's terrified of going to prison. Trump has become increasingly unhinged as the start of his New York hush money trial approaches, and he's run out of options to get the case delayed. He is also well aware of the fact that he's likely facing an unfriendly jury, adding to his panic.Also, Eric Trump appears to be trying to break his own record for the number of stupid things he can say in a single interview. During an appearance on Fox & Friends this week, Eric claimed that his father "makes millions" every time he walks into a courtroom, a claim that is easily refuted by his pathetic fundraising efforts. He then claimed that his wife, Lara, was the perfect person to "restore" the RNC to glory, but he couldn't quite explain why.And Donald Trump has been desperately trying to delay the start of his criminal trial all week, and so far every one of his attempts to do so has been struck down by the appellate court. Trump has lost three idioitic challenges that were seeking to delay the start, all because he has no actual legal reasoning to do so. The courts have become exhausted by Trump and his legal maneuvers and they aren't tolerating it anymore.Finally, Donald Trump's lawyers are giving us a preview of their brilliant legal minds, and Trump himself should be terrified of what we're seeing. Apparently Trump's legal team subpoenaed the wrong man for records that are relevant to the upcoming hush money trial, but they didn't bother to see if anyone else shared the same name. Sure enough, the name was shared by an average man in Brooklyn, and HE is the one that ended up getting the subpoena. He managed to troll Trump's lawyers in response to the wrongfully issued subpoena, but that's of little consolation to Trump.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Plans To Sue Judge Days Before Criminal Trial Starts4/10/2024

Donald Trump and his lawyers have decided to sue Judge Juan Merchan just days before the criminal trial is set to begin. The lawsuit will challenge both the gag order placed on Trump by the judge, as well as seek to delay the trial beyond the 2024 election. This lawsuit has a zero percent chance of being successful, but it does have a great chance of getting Trump's lawyers disciplined for filing such a knowingly frivolous suit.Also, at least one person in Donald Trump's orbit has come to the realization that Alina Habba doesn't know what she's doing. It was reported this week that former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg has filed notice with the court that Habba will no longer be representing him, which means Weisselberg effectively fired her as his counsel. This may not mean much this late in the game, but it should be a wake up call for the former President.And Donald Trump isn't just blowing smoke when he talks about punishing his political enemies if he retakes The White House. According to new reports, the former President has actually drawn up plans with his legal team about how they will prosecute President Biden starting next year (assuming Trump wins in November.) This story should be front and center in the national media, as it shows that a second Trump term won't be about policy - it will be about revenge.Finally, Donald Trump's multi billion dollar payday isn't going to happen if current trends continue. After just two weeks of being a publicly-traded company, Trump Media and Technology Group has lost HALF of its value, and their stock just keeps getting lower and lower. And it isn't helping the company when the site continues to crash and their CEO, Devin Nunes, can't answer questions about when the company might turn a profit. This is why all of Trump's other companies never went public.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump's Lawyers LIED To Judge About Not Being Able To Secure Full Fraud Bond4/9/2024

Donald Trump's lawyers had told the court that it was a "practical impossibility" for him to find a company willing to put up the full $464 million fraud bond for him, which then led to the court reducing the amount of the bond. But according to a new report, Trump's lawyers were approached by a billionaire that was willing to put up the full amount, but they never told the court. If this reporting is true, Trump could lose everything and his lawyers could, too.Also, in a social media post over the weekend, Majorie Taylor Greene claimed that "earthquakes" and "eclipses" - both of which happened in the last week - were actually signs from God that America needs to "repent." This goes directly against science, but Greene swears she understands how science works. Not to mention the fact that she can't exactly name what we should be "repenting" for, but it is likely the insanity from the Right.And two Republican House members from Arizona - Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs - have finally been hit with subpoenas over the fake elector scheme from the 2020 election. These subpoenas come nearly three and a half years after the scheme was hatched, and the state Attorney General has indicated that neither man is facing criminal charges...yet. This might be the first step towards accountability for the members of Congress who tried to help Trump's coup.Finally, during a fundraiser on Saturday, Donald Trump told his audience that it would be a "great honor" if he were to be jailed for violating the gag order placed on him by Judge Juan Merchan. And it appears that Trump is trying to make that happen, as he has now possibly violated that order at least 4 times since the judge expanded it a week ago. This is all part of Trump's plan to play the victim and get his base riled up.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Supporters Threaten Civil War After Judge Rejects His Legal Arguments4/8/2024

The judge overseeing Donald Trump's criminal case in Georgia tossed out his argument that his actions were protected by the First Amendment last week, effectively putting the trial back on track. Trump's supporters were furious about this news, and they took to social media to threaten "civil war" in this country if the case moves forward. These people believe they are protecting our country even as they call for destroying it.Also, during a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor Greene said that Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson has "completely changed his character" in the five months since he has become Speaker, and she added that she doesn't know what is causing this change. This statement suggests that Greene believes there are mysterious forces at play that are causing Johnson to be a different person, which is how Greene handles a world that confuses and scares her.And Judge Arthur Engoron has called for a new hearing with the bond company that posted Donald Trump's $175 million bond for the fraud trial appeal after New York Attorney General Letitia James raised serious concerns about the company's finances. Engoron wants to see the company's financial statements to make sure that they can actually pay the full amount of the trial if Trump loses on appeal - and that they can pay Trump back if he wins.Finally, Donald Trump - the man who inspired the Capitol Riot and has repeatedly said that there will be a "bloodbath" if he doesn't win reelection - has released a new ad where he accuses the Democrats of being the "Party of violence." The political violence that we have seen take place in this country in recent years has come almost entirely from the Republican side, and Trump's ad is nothing but pure projection. However, it does send a signal to his base about how they should react.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump Accuses Biden Of Drug Use And Demands He Be Tested4/6/2024

In a completely deranged interview this week, Donald Trump suggested that President Biden was on drugs and said that he should be drug tested before they do their debates. Trump accused the President of being unusually energetic during the State of the Union address, which is a fact that made many Republicans angry. But suggested that your opponent is using illegal drugs is a low blow, even for Trump.Also, Donald Trump held a fundraiser party for Kari Lake at Mar-a-Lago this week, and it didn't take long for the whole thing to go completely off the rails. While Lake did manage to raise a hefty sum of money, the party took a nasty turn when Roseanne Barr showed up and started ranting about how Democrats are drinking the blood of babies while worshipping the devil. This stunt isn't going to win over any new supporters for Lake.Finally, Donald Trump went absolutely ballistic this week following a court filing by special prosecutor Jack Smith. Smith had told Judge Aileen Cannon that she was using flawed legal reasoning in her jury instructions and asked her to rescind them or he'll go to the appellate court, and that set Trump off. Trump fired off a nasty post on Truth Social where he demanded that Smith be punished for being so mean to the judge.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTrump's Bond Documents Get Denied Because His Lawyers Are Idiots4/5/2024

Donald Trump boasted earlier this week about paying the $175 million bond to appeal his fraud trial, but he should have been a little more cautious. His bond documentation has now been rejected by the court because his lawyers made multiple mistakes in their filing, including forgetting to attach a copy of Donald Trump's financial statements to the documents. These are simple items that his legal team couldn't even get right.Also, an independent watchdog group has accused Ted Cruz of breaking the law by accepting a massive campaign contribution from iHeartRadio, the same company that airs Cruz's podcast. While Cruz does not get paid for the podcast, accepting a donation from the company in the amount of $630,000 is certainly something that could be considered compensation. Furthermore, politicians are forbidden from accepting donations from companies that employ lobbyists, which iHeartRadio does.And a very panicked Donald Trump took to Truth Social this week to try to convince investors that the site (and company) are not completely worthless. Following reports earlier in the week that the company lost tens of millions of dollars last year, the stock price went into a freefall, and Trump is now trying to stop the bleeding before his millions of shares become totally worthless. But his posts boasting about the platform aren't doing anything to ease the concerns of investors.Finally, according to new reports, Republicans in Congress are getting anxious behind the scenes as their fears grow that Donald Trump is going to cost them their seats. Trump's impact on down-ballot races is one that Republicans are all-too familiar with, as it cost them dearly in 2018 and 2020, when Trump was either on the ballot or in charge of the government. And with Trump's increasingly dangerous rhetoric turning off moderates, all Republicans could end up paying the price.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlLooks Like Trump Has Already Violated Expanded Gag Order4/4/2024

Donald Trump appears to have already violated the expanded gag order that Judge Juan Merchan placed on him earlier this week. In fact, just hours after the gag order was expanded, Trump shared a news clip to his Truth Social account where Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was making false claims about the judge's daughter, which would be a direct violation of the expanded order.Also, when Lara Trump released her cringey new song this past weekend, she made sure to say that she had more in the works for the "liberals." She was clearly trying to address the "haters," but when those same people started mocking her like she wanted, she ran crying to Fox News. The DNC released an AI-generated diss track about Lara and her new song, and that sent Lara over the edge.And Donald Trump is almost out of options to delay the criminal trial against him beginning on April 15th, and his lawyers are trying one last ditch effort to get a delay. His lawyers filed notice this week that they are going to demand that the judge recuse himself from the case because his daughter works for a firm that works for Democrats, and Democrats stand to win if Trump loses the case. That's not a valid legal argument, but it is all they have left.Finally, Donald Trump traveled to Michigan and Wisconsin on Tuesday after both his campaign and the RNC promised last week that the former President was going to start actually campaigning. However, neither rally went well, and Trump was once again in the headlines for saying horrific and often confusing things. If this is what they mean by "campaigning" then Trump is in serious trouble. His campaign can barely afford to hold rallies, and he certainly can't afford to screw them up.Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of Farron’s content: https://www.youtube.com/FarronBalancedFollow Farron on social media!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarronBalanced/Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalancedInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/farronbalancedTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farronbalanced?lang=en


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