No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (2024)

You’re deeply frustrated with your situation. Despite all the hype, you can’t seem to get any matches on Bumble.

In fact, you have no Bumble matches!

In this article, I’ll explain why you’re not getting any matches on Bumble and how to turn it around and make it a success.

In this article:

  • Common causes you have no matches on Bumble
  • How to get more matches on Bumble
  • 1. Have an attractive first photo
  • 2. Fill in your profile
  • 3. Have the right filter settings
  • 4. Change your swiping habits
  • 5. Find out if you’re shadowbanned
  • 6. Tailor your profile to a specific type of woman
  • 7. Remove your selfies
  • 8. Make it easy for her to spot you
  • 9. Use Bumble at the right time
  • 10. Make use of ‘signaling’
  • 11. Write a unique and personal Bumble Bio
  • 12. Don’t use all your photo slots
  • 13. Use Photofeeler to attract higher-quality women


Important: Just letting you know I am currently letting guys use my Profile Checklist for free. It's a simple fill-in-the-blanks code that shows you what to change about your profile. It's the first step to getting all the matches you want. Get it here for free.

Common causes you have no matches on Bumble

These are the most common causes for why you have no matches on Bumble.

  1. Your photos aren’t flattering. You don’t have to be the most good-looking guy in the world. But you do want to look attractive and fun.
  2. You’re too selective. While it’s good to know what you’re into, you might be setting the bar a little too high. At least, based on your current profile.
  3. You’re sending the wrong message. Bumble caters to a more mature audience than Tinder. So if your profile is a little too heavy on the fuggboi vibes, you won’t do so well.
  4. Your profile has too many holes. The more you separate yourself from the herd, the more matches you’ll get. So be sure to use what Bumble gives you and show off your personality.
  5. You have the wrong settings. Bumble lets you narrow or expand the type of profiles you see with its filters. It’s possible that you’re using filters that are working against you.
  6. Your ‘About Me’ and prompts are generic. If you’re writing the same stuff about yourself as Peasant Paul, it’s no surprise that you’re getting no matches.
  7. You have a Bumble Shadowban. In some cases, people get banned from Bumble. Your profile simply isn’t shown anymore.

Now, let’s dive into how you can get more and better matches.

How to get more matches on Bumble

So how to you get more matches on Bumble?

First, check out the following video I made for you. Or if you prefer reading, skip it and check out the following tips.

1. Have an attractive first photo

You’re going to learn how to create an irresistible first profile photo and never be ignored again.

Because even if you’re the most amazing guy on the planet, she’ll still swipe you left if your first photo sucks.

Here’s how you create the best first photo possible:

  1. Use a high-quality camera.
  2. Only include your upper body. It’s important that she can see what your face looks like. The rest can come later.
  3. Smile the right way.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the last point.

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (1)

The colored bars basically say the following:

  • If you don’t look into the camera, smiling has little positive effect on your attraction.
  • If you are looking into the camera, smiling has a big positive impact on your attraction.

If you are blessed with a Colgate smile, make sure to show off your pearly whites while looking right into the lens.

Just look at the next photo to see what I mean:

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (2)

So if your pretend smile makes you look like you have no soul, go with the option on the right.

Holy Tip:

Although not related to your first photo, it’s easy to earn brownie points by posing with your pet.

Doesn’t this photo make the girl look so much more fun to be with?

It’s the same for you.

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (3)

2. Fill in your profile

Every girl who looks at your profile is thinking this:

“What are you all about and do I want to be a part of it?”

Sounds self-explanatory, right? Yet almost no guy is using this top-of-the-line wisdom to guide the look of their Bumble profile.

So let me make profile building even easier for you.

  • Verify your profile.It instantly makes you more trustworthy.
  • Show off your face in 2 photos. Two clear photos of your facial features are all she needs.
  • Express your personality with the rest.Once she knows what you look like, it’s time to give her an idea of what you’re like: adventurous, outdoorsy, sporty, silly, chill, funny, etc.
  • Use profile prompts to fill in the gaps. Maybe your photos don’t do your personality justice. In that case, use prompts to show off your missing traits. Perhaps your sense of humor.
  • Fill in your ‘about me’ and other basic info. Women on Bumble have to break the ice. So the more info she has about you, the easier and more fun you’ll make it for her.

3. Have the right filter settings

You obviously want to choose the filters that lead you to your perfect woman. But if you have no Bumble matches, you’re probably messing up. So let’s correct that right now.

Go to settings by clicking the gear icon in the top left corner and look for ‘Filters.’

Now look if you don’t have too many filters checked.

I definitely recommend tapping the ‘Verified profiles only’ so you don’t run into bots and catfish. But besides that, it’s up to you.

Remove a few filters that you had turned on and play around with the ‘age’ and ‘distance’ settings. It can change more than you think.

4. Change your swiping habits

You expect women to rate your profile. But did you know Bumble rates your profile too?

Bumble claims it has made a Skynet-level algorithm that can accurately rate your profile’s sex appeal.

Bumble’s techies keep a lid on the exact method, but we know it heavily relies on two elements. Here’s how to make Bumble like you so you get seen by more high-quality women.

Firstly, swipe selectively. Bumble is not a fan if you swipe everything right, you animal. Being hyper-critical is also a bad move. So strike a good middle ground.

Secondly, check Bumble every day. Bumble wants the ladies to have a good time. That’s why the dudes who send matches and get attention are moved up in the swipe stack.

And that’s why the dudes who rarely text and have a broken dislike button get banished to the bottom of the rankings.

5. Find out if you’re shadowbanned

Sometimes your profile isn’t the problem. Maybe your lack of matches is because Bumble shadowbanned you.

Its symptoms are so subtle, you may not even realize you’ve been shadowbanned.

What’s a shadowban you ask? When Bumble smashes your score to bits so that you barely get any matches.

How do you know if you’ve been shadowbanned?

  • You get way fewer matches than normal.
  • You receive fewer likes (check the green circle that says ‘match queue,’ if it’s below 50 then something is wrong).
  • Your matches ignore you.
  • Bumble sent you an official warning.

So why doesn’t Bumble like you anymore? Because you’ve been a bad boy and broke the rules. Or perhaps one too many matches reported you.

Whatever the reason, you now have to get unbanned.

How do you do that? By creating a fresh, new profile that has ZERO ties to your old profile.

That means a new Facebook (or no Facebook), new number, new app store account (if you’re a paying customer), and no Instagram. You need new photos too, because Bumble’s algorithm will obviously recognize your old ones.

If you choose to reset, you’ll know it worked if you get more likes and matches.

6. Tailor your profile to a specific type of woman

This is one of the most common mistakes guys make on Bumble: they build a profile that’s hard to hate.

And because they seek to attract all the girls, their profile attracts very few girls.

So figure out who your dream girl is and then build a profile that appeals to her.

What does she do? What does she like? How does she dress? What type of music does she listen to?

If you know what type of woman you like, you can design a profile that’s tailored specifically to them! Now you’re one of a kind.

And she’ll easily pick you out of a crowd. Suddenly all the sexy ladies with a fetish for your vibe will pick you.

The flipside? A fair amount of women will swipe you left. Which is fine, as long as your profile appeals to the ladies you like.

Now every like you receive isn’t a vague indicator of interest, it’s a sign that says, “I’m really interested, please don’t mess this up.”

Now you barely have unresponsive matches.

  • 10 Clever pick up lines that always impress

7. Remove your selfies

People in selfies are seen as less attractive, less likable, and more egotistical. Don’t take my word for it. A bunch of scientists said so in a study.

Let me toss another study at you. These brainiacs from Ludwig-Maximilians-University interviewed 238 people and 82% wanted to see fewer selfies on social media.

Also, research by Zoosk says profiles with a selfie get 8% fewer messages.

8. Make it easy for her to spot you

Group photos can hugely hurt your Bumble success.

Why? Because when women use Bumble, they don’t like to think. They want to instantly know who you are.

And if you have more than one person in your photo, you’re forcing her to play a guessing game. Rather than waste precious time and effort, she’ll swipe you left.

After all, there are billions of other bachelors for her to find.

And it’s not only other people that force her brain neurons to fire excessively, but noisy backgrounds too.

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (4)

The photo on the left gets more matches than the one on the right because it doesn’t have any drawn birds flapping about in the background. The devil is in the details.

9. Use Bumble at the right time

A simple tip to have better conversations.

Bumble users are most active after work hours. So between 6 to 8 PM. If you match at this time, there’s a big chance she’s staring at her Bumble app.

After all, she probably just swiped you. Plus, she’s highly likely excited to text you because of all the feel-good hormones she got from the ‘It’s a match!’ notification.

So don’t let it go to waste.

10. Make use of ‘signaling’

Noisy backgrounds don’t just distract your lady friend, they also tell a story about you. And as with any story, some are a hit and others are a flop.

Why is any of this relevant? Because photographing yourself in, for example, a messy bedroom is making you look unattractive.

A study shows that men who get their photos taken inside a swanky apartment are more attractive to women than dudes in an average house.

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (5)

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (6)

The graph says our friend in yellow is found the most attractive in the bottom right photo.

Can’t afford anything better than your 2-room apartment? Don’t fret. It’s not about money. It’s about self-respect. If you’re photographed in attractive environments, it shows that you have good taste and care about yourself.

So a photo of yourself at an art exhibition will do just as well (if not way better) than a pic of you in a lavish mansion.

Even if you just keep the ugly out of your background, you’re already doing better than 90% of other dudes.

Holy Tip:

Don’t use expensive cars as photo boosters. Posing with anything fancy only makes you look douchey.

11. Write a unique and personal Bumble Bio

Nine out of ten Bumble bros have a bio that hurts them.

What am I talking about? A wall of tasteless facts about none other than themselves. And it’s not just men. Women are good at writing bland bios too.

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (7)

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (8)

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (9)

Took me five swipes to find these three screenshots for you.

Men aren’t any better at writing their profiles.

Some dudes express their personalities with inspirational quotes, “Without a goal you can’t score.”

But most brochachos like to describe themselves as factually as possible:

“Loves music, party, friends, food, and travel.”

If I’m describing you, go to your Bumble profile, press ‘select all,’ and hit backspace. It’s time to create a good bio that gets you more matches.

Bumble’s three rules for a successful bio are:

  1. Be different.
  2. Appeal to her emotions.
  3. Keep it short.

Writing a longer bio doesn’t mean you’re losing half your matches. Sometimes length is good. But good lengthy ‘about me’ texts are rare and, more importantly, tough to write.

Plus, a ten-page essay says, “I stuck so much energy into this. I hope the girls will think I’m hilarious.” Whereas a short bio implicitly says, “Bumble seems like fun. Let’s give it a go.”

In other words: nonchalance is better than tryharding. Starting now, stop talking facts in your bio. Let the pictures do the talking.

  • 30+ Best Bumble bios for guys

12. Don’t use all your photo slots

Bumble offers you six slots for your photos. Better fill them all, right? WRONG!

Showing her a carefully selected photo album doesn’t make you look sexy or cool. The same applies to Bumble Badges.

Do you think celebrities and rock stars lose sleep over getting people to like them? Hell no. In fact, hardly any celebrities use dating apps. And if they do, they upload one photo and call it a day.

So what’s the magic number? 4. Maybe 5. Six or more photos make you seem too involved. And it also takes too long for her to go through.

Three or less and you can’t give her a good idea of what you and your life look like.

You want to use just enough pictures to spark her interest and read your bio.

Your emotionally charged one-sentence bio then drives her to scroll down even further, where she sees (something like) this:

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (10)

Your Instagram. A huge platter of pictures she can pig out on.

But Louis, you just said 6 was already too much. Now you have over a 100?!

I understand your concern, bro. But stick with me. Hand-selecting your best six photos and uploading them to Bumble is not the same as simply connecting your Instagram to a dating app.

Linking up your Insta costs way less effort. And the less effort you put in, the more cool and attractive you are.

What’s more, by letting her binge on your Insta, she’s slowly convincing herself how interesting you are. Your odds of getting swiped right suddenly skyrocket.

Don’t worry if you don’t have an Instagram. You can do without. It just helps.

13. Use Photofeeler to attract higher-quality women

This shocked me when I found out about it, but it’s helped me ever since:

We are terrible at judging whether or not we look good in our photos.

It’s in part because we typically only see ourselves from the same mirror angles. Plus, we also tend to home in on the things that we don’t like about ourselves.

Features that most other people generally don’t tend to care about.

Want to know if your photos are doing well? Go to and get your photo rated. I’m not even sponsored to say this. I legit don’t know a better way to get honest feedback on your dating photos.

So if you’re ready to take the plunge (as I and all my clients have done), check out Photofeeler and see what score your photos get.

Did you get an 8 or higher? Throw it on Bumble as your first!

Okay, buddy. Armed with this article’s knowledge, you’re 69 steps ahead of your competitors.

But before I let you go, I have something to increase your matches.

The TextGod Toolkit.

It has a crazy good clickbait opener, 10 copy pastable lines, and a checklist to take your profile to the next level.

You can get it for FREE by pressing the button below.

Enjoy your extra matches, bro.

Louis Farfields

And don't forget your download below ;)

No Matches on Bumble: Here's Why (+13 Solutions) (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.