Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2024)

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A warm and comforting Thai Beef and Potato Curry that’s made quickly and easily in the instant pot. Serve over noodles or rice.

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (1)

HELLA comforting Thai beef and potato curry.

I could seriously go for a bowlful of this stuff rather than the ultra-glamorous PB&J sandwich I’m chomping on because of dental work I had done a few hours ago.

Like all the best things in the world, this Thai curry recipe is quick and easy to whip up. Remember that massaman curry paste recipe I shared with you yesterday? You know, the one with onions and garlic, coriander, cinnamon, lemongrass, and dry red chilies. Well, guess what? We’re using it together with a few additional ingredients to make a velvety smooth, warm and fragrant beef and potato curry TODAY!

So we’ll add in the coconut milk, the bay leaves, a little tamarind, a little sugar, and fish sauce and let that chunks of beef and hearty potatoes cook up in all of that. Undoubtedly the best thing to come out of your instant pot to date.

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2)

I know this is stepping outside of our normal food comfort zone a little bit. Usually, you and I like to cook things that take in the ballpark of 30 minutes to make and don’t require hard to find ingredients. So for the massaman curry paste I shared, I tried to keep the list as short, and with ingredients that are easily available to most from mainstream grocery stores.

But take it from me, if there’s one thing worth making its homemade massaman curry paste. First off, it adds nicely to your list of kitchen accomplishments. But also, once you make curry with homemade paste, the store-bought stuff you’ll see doesn’t even come close. It’s also easy to put together: like literally, pulse a bunch of ingredients in a food processor and store in a jar or freezer bags and enjoy beef and potato curry whenever your heart desires.

And yeah, just take a second to think about how impressive it’s gonna sound to the family, or company. DID YOU MAKE THE CURRY PASTE?

You get to be all chill about it.

Like yeah, NBD.

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (3)

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (4)

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (5)

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (6)

Thai Beef and Potato Curry starts with browning the meat – I know completely not something done in traditional curries, but remember how I already claim zero authenticity when it comes to Thai food???‍♀️

Browning leaves behind tons of flavor bits which come in handy because this is a quick pressure cooker recipe after all, and we need all that flavor to make it taste like it was slow-simmered for hours. The onions and potatoes will pick up all those browned bits when we add them into the hot pot for just a second. Then, it’s curry paste, beef stock, bay leaves, sugar, tamarind paste, fish sauce, and a handful of crushed peanuts that go into the curry along with coconut milk.

Now cover up your instant pot and just let it all hang out for 30 minutes. I warn you, even though this is cooking in an airtight vessel, the sweet smell of coconut and spicy curry paste escape and wafted through my kitchen, leaving my stomach growling.

Luckily, it comes pretty close to instant gratification with it being a pressure cooker recipe.

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (7)

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (8)

My hope with this recipe was to divide it into two parts: curry paste and curry. That way, you can whip up the curry paste and pop it in the fridge or freezer for when you’re ready to make this Thai beef and potato curry. I get that some people may not want to make the massaman curry paste, ever. And that’s okay too. You can easily purchase store-bought paste here(affiliate link) and you can still make this recipe.For those that want just another gentle nudge, homemade curry paste will surely take your curry game to the next level.

Guys, I’ve made huge batches of this stuff and Anees, and I polished it off all by ourselves because we just COULDN’T stop eating it. Jasmine rice is the ideal accompaniment to this beef and potato curry. It just soaks up some of that curry and every bite is creamy and cozy to the core. Also, in my world, curry and rice must be eaten with a spoon. Anyone else with me there? ??

May your fall//winter season be filled with bowls full of beef and potato curry.

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (9)

Yield: 8 servings

Thai Beef and Potato Curry

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time35 minutes

Total Time40 minutes

A warm and comforting Thai Beef and Potato Curry that's made quickly and easily in the instant pot. Serve over noodles or rice.

Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (10)


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 ½ lbs. beef chuck, trimmed and cut into 2-inch cubes
  • 1 large onion, large diced
  • ⅓ cup prepared massaman curry paste*
  • 1 lb. russet potatoes, cut into 2-inch cubes
  • 2 (15-ounce) cans full fat coconut milk
  • ½ cup beef broth
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon tamarind paste
  • ¼ cup crushed peanuts


  1. Beef: Season the beef with a good pinch of salt and pepper. Heat the coconut oil in the instant pot on the saute setting. Add ½ the meat and brown on all sides, about 2-3 minutes total. Remove meat to a plate and repeat with the second batch and remove when done.
  2. Curry: Add the onions and push them around so that they pick up any browned bits left behind by the beef, about 1 minute. Add the potatoes, beef, and the curry paste. Stir everything so that the paste is evenly distributed among the beef and potatoes. Add the coconut milk, broth, bay leaves, sugar, fish sauce, tamarind paste, and crushed peanuts. Cover the instant pot, hit the manual button and set it for 30 minutes. Allow the pressure to release naturally before removing the lid.
  3. Serve: taste curry for seasonings and adjust with salt as desired. If you want it to be tangier, you can dilute a little more of the tamarind with a tablespoon of water and stir it into the curry. Serve with jasmine rice or noodles.


  • if you decide to use store-boughtcurry paste, you'll need to play around with the amount as I'm unsure how much you'll end up needing.
  • I haven't tried making this curry on the stove so not sure how you'd go about doing that just yet. I'd think it would require at least 2 ½ -3 hours of low and slow simmering and would certainly need a lot more like 1 ½ cups of beef broth or something along that line.

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Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (11)

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Thai Beef and Potato Curry (Massaman Curry) Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2024)


What is the spice level of Massaman curry? ›

However, Thai green curry is slightly hotter than a panang but milder than a red or yellow. Massaman is our mildest Thai curry with a spice rating of 1/5.

Do you use a full jar of curry paste? ›

The whole jar is ample for a family of four but if you're cooking for two, the reminder can be stored in the fridge for 5 days or frozen.

What is the secret to good Thai curry? ›

The secret to making amazing Thai curries is to use plenty of aromatics, like onion, ginger and garlic. Choose full-fat coconut milk for its richness (you won't regret it!). Stirring in just a little bit of rice vinegar and sugar adds tons of complexity.

What is the difference between Massaman curry and Thai curry? ›

The massaman curry uses more indian spices including cumin, coriander powder, cardamom and cinnamon) and is simmered for a longer time. Thai red curry uses Thai ingredients like galangal and shrimp paste and lemongrass as well as fresh coriander root.

What is a substitute for massaman curry? ›

Massaman curry is typically made with meat, but it's incredibly easy to keep it vegan-friendly by substituting the meat with tofu or tempeh. We include options in the recipe below for vegans, vegetarians, pescetarians, and meat eaters!

Why is my massaman curry bland? ›

Curries can be bland if you haven't used enough of the base aromatics of garlic, ginger, and onion. The onion should be caramelized in oil until well browned and flavorful. Spices should not be old enough to lose potency and preferably should be toasted and ground yourself.

What can I add to jar curry to make it better? ›

Add more spices: Store-bought curry sauces often lack the depth of flavour that homemade sauces have. To remedy this, you can add more spices like cumin, turmeric, coriander, and garam masala. Use fresh ginger and garlic: Fresh ginger and garlic add a lot of flavour to curries.

What happens if you add too much curry paste? ›

* Add some more meat/veggies to the curry and it will balance out the taste. You can always use the leftovers for next meal. If you added too much of curry paste it will increase the spiciness and pungent smell of the gravy.

How to make Thai curry more flavorful? ›

Add in more dried spices.

Nearly all the Central Thai curry pastes call for a small amount of white pepper, cumin and coriander seeds. To my taste, the aroma from these spices are among the first I notice when I eat green, masaman or panang curry.

How do Thai restaurants make curry so creamy? ›

Often, Thai curries are made using coconut milk as the main liquid, which results in a creamy consistency. You can use as much or as little coconut milk as you wish based on your preference for texture, spice, and flavor.

What thickens a Thai curry? ›

Corn flour starch - in most curries, if it turns out to be runny, thr quick fix is corn flour starch. Simmer the flame - Yes. Most curries doesn't need to the thick when we actually prepare them.

Why is massaman curry so popular? ›

The curry is an all-time favourite that most Thai people love to eat- not only because it is easy to make, but also because it contains many health benefits. It is easy to find Massaman curry in restaurants, street food stalls, and certainly in any market or supermarket.

What is another name for massaman curry? ›

Massaman curry has a very interesting history to it. Also known as Matasaman curry, it is believed that this dish was introduced to Thailand by Persian merchants and soon became an integral part of the Thai Muslim cuisine.

Is massaman curry healthy? ›

Worst: Massaman Curry

Like its red and green counterparts, massaman curry gets its creaminess from coconut milk. But this version is made with peanuts and potatoes, so it's often higher in calories. One cup can have more calories than a cheeseburger and fries -- and twice as much fat.

How hot is a massaman curry? ›

Traditional Massaman curry is a Thai curry that's rich but relatively mild heat-wise. It contains lots of spices -which can vary from curry to curry, plus meat, potatoes and coconut cream or milk.

Which is spicier, massaman or yellow curry? ›

Massaman Curry – Mysterious and Sweetly Spicy Flavor

Massaman curry is at the opposite end of the heat spectrum from yellow curry.

What are the spice levels of curry? ›

In general, Thai yellow curry is the mildest, Thai red curry is medium-hot and Thai green curry is spicy, although it can sometimes vary depending on what region of Thailand you are in.

Which is hotter massaman or panang? ›

Spice Level

While both curries can be customized to your taste buds, panang curry is quite a bit spicier, while massaman curry is milder with a gentle warmth from spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg.


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