Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (2024)

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Freezing out fluctuations in Hydro+ near the QCD critical point

Maneesha Pradeep, Krishna Rajagopal, Mikhail Stephanov, and Yi Yin
Phys. Rev. D 106, 036017 – Published 19 August 2022
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Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (1)

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    Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (2)


    We introduce a freeze-out procedure to convert the critical fluctuations in a droplet of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) that has, as it expanded and cooled, passed close to a posited critical point on the phase diagram into cumulants of hadron multiplicities that can subsequently be measured. The procedure connects the out-of-equilibrium critical fluctuations described in concert with the hydrodynamic evolution of the droplet of QGP by extended hydrodynamics, known as Hydro+, with the subsequent kinetic description in terms of observable hadrons. We introduce a critical scalar isoscalar field sigma whose fluctuations cause correlations between observed hadrons due to the couplings of the sigma field to the hadrons via their masses. We match the QGP fluctuations obtained by solving the Hydro+ equations describing the evolution of critical fluctuations before freeze-out to the correlations of the sigma field. Inturn, these are imprinted onto correlations and fluctuations in the multiplicity of hadrons, most importantly protons, after freeze-out via the generalization of the familiar half-century-old Cooper-Frye freeze-out prescription which we introduce. The proposed framework allows us to study the effects of critical slowing down and the consequent deviation of the observable predictions from equilibrium expectations quantitatively. We also quantify the suppression of cumulants due to conservation of baryon number. We demonstrate the procedure in practice by freezing out a Hydro+ simulation in an azimuthally symmetric and boost invariant background that includes radial flow discussed in Rajagopal et al. [Phys. Rev. D 102, 094025 (2020)].

    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (3)
    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (4)
    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (5)
    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (6)
    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (7)
    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (8)
    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (9)

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    • Received 3 May 2022
    • Accepted 2 August 2022


    Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (10)

    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

    Published by the American Physical Society

    Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

    1. Research Areas

    Critical phenomenaQCD phase transitionsRelativistic heavy-ion collisions

    1. Techniques

    Hydrodynamic modelsRelativistic hydrodynamics

    Nuclear PhysicsFluid Dynamics

    Authors & Affiliations

    Maneesha Pradeep1, Krishna Rajagopal2, Mikhail Stephanov1, and Yi Yin3

    • 1Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607, USA
    • 2Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
    • 3Quark Matter Research Center, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 073000, China

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    Vol. 106, Iss. 3 — 1 August 2022

    Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (11)
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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (15)

      Figure 1

      Schematic view of a trajectory followed by an expanding cooling droplet of matter produced in a heavy ion collision on the QCD phase diagram in the vicinity of the critical point.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (16)

      Figure 2

      The dependence of the correlation length ξ on temperature for different trajectories of the fireball expansion (i.e., different ξmax).

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (17)

      Figure 3

      Geometric representation of Eq.(30). x+ and x are on the freeze-out surface; x is the midpoint between them. The four-vector Δx (red) is perpendicular to the fluid four-velocity at the point x, u(x), meaning that in the local fluid rest frame it is a four-vector with no time-component.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (18)

      Figure 4

      Evolution of ϕQ as a function of Bjorken time τ, using model A and model H dynamics, corresponding to the relaxation rates given by Eqs.(10) and (5), respectively. We have taken Γ0=1fm1, D0=1fm and ξmax=3fm in both panels. The three solid curves in each figure correspond to different times τ as the boost-invariant, spatially hom*ogeneous, Bjorken fluid is expanding and cooling in the vicinity of a critical point. The temperatures are given by T=235, 160 and 140MeV, for times τ=1, 4.6 and 8.8fm, respectively. The dashed curves represent the equilibrium values ϕ¯Q for the corresponding temperatures (times). We have initialized the hydrodynamic solution and the fluctuations at τi=1fm: at that time ϕQ=ϕ¯Q at Ti=235MeV. The dashed curves are highest at τ=4.6fm because that is when the evolution trajectory was closest to the critical point; the fluctuations would be largest at that time if they were in equilibrium. We see that in model H the fluctuations (in our full, out-of-equilibrium, calculation) remain considerably enhanced at τ=8.8fm over a range of nonzero values of Q. It is evident from the right plot that ϕQ does not evolve at Q=0 in model H. This is a consequence of conservation laws. In both plots, at all times shown, ϕQ and ϕ¯Q are both normalized by their noncritical value (their value at a location far enough away from the critical point that ξ=ξ0) at Q=0 in equilibrium, i.e., ϕ¯0nc=ZTξ02.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (19)

      Figure 5

      Normalized ϕQ (a) and its inverse Fourier transform ϕ˜ (b)at freeze-out Tf=140MeV after evolution according to model H dynamics with two values of D0. In the text, we explain the dependence of the shapes of the curves in both panels on D0, and the consequences of the conservation laws on the shapes of these curves.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (20)

      Figure 6

      Normalized proton multiplicity correlator C˜(Δy) for protons from Eq.(60) as a function of the rapidity gap Δy in the Bjorken scenario for two choices of the diffusion parameter D0.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (21)

      Figure 7

      The normalized fluctuation measure for protons, Eq.(36), as a function of ξmax, the maximum value of the equilibrium correlation length achieved along the system trajectory. Panels (a) and (b)correspond to different diffusion strengths, quantified by D0, while red and blue curves correspond to different freeze-out temperatures. Panel (c)shows the result that would have been obtained under the assumption that fluctuations are in equilibrium at freeze-out.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (22)

      Figure 8

      The space-time dependence of the temperature (represented by color) and flow velocity in the hydrodynamic simulation of the expanding cooling droplet of quark-gluon plasma. The magnitude of the radial flow at each space-time point is indicated by the tilt of the arrows. The dashed, dotted and solid black curves are the isothermal curves at T=160MeV, 156MeV and 140MeV, respectively. Examples of fluid cell trajectories, or hydrodynamic flow lines, are illustrated by solid black lines tangential to local flow vectors.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (23)

      Figure 9

      Hydro+ fluctuation measure ϕQ along two hydrodynamic flow lines passing through r=ri at initial time τ=τi, with ri=0.7fm (top four panels) and 5fm (bottom four panels). The four plots in the left (right) column are for D0=0.25fm (D0=1fm), with ξmax=1fm and ξmax=3fm in alternating rows. The solid and dashed curves are, respectively, the ϕQ and ϕ¯Q (normalized to their values at Q=0 away from the critical point, where ξ=ξ0) at three times τ indicated in the plot legends; the choice of τ’s is explained in the text.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (24)

      Figure 10

      The values of ϕQ (suitably normalized) for three representative values of Q (same for each column), and for values D0 (same in top and bottom six panels) and ξmax (same in alternating rows) as in Fig.9. The values of ϕQ are taken along a fluid cell trajectory and plotted as a function of temperature, which is a monotonous function of time τ along the trajectory. The trajectory chosen for these plots begins at ri=r(τi)=1.8fm. The dashed and solid curves represent the equilibrium ϕ¯Q and nonequilibrium ϕQ, respectively.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (25)

      Figure 11

      The Hydro+ variable ϕQ (normalized to its value at Q=0 away from the critical point, where ξ=ξ0) at freeze-out evolved with two different diffusion parameters D0=0.25fm (upper panels) and 1fm (lower panels) and ξmax=3fm. The left (right) panels show results for evolution until the decreasing temperature has reached a higher (lower) freeze-out temperature. The blue, red and purple curves show the values of ϕQ at different points on the freeze-out hypersurface, characterized by the radial coordinate r. The black dashed and dotted curves are the equilibrium curves at T=Tf and T=Tc respectively. The dashed brown curve is the (noncritical) equilibrium curves corresponding to ξ=ξ0.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (26)

      Figure 12

      ϕ˜×Δx2, the measure of fluctuations of s^ described by the correlator δs^(x+)δs^(x), at freeze-out as a function of the spatial separation between the points Δx|Δx|. In the calculations depicted in different panels, the ϕQ’s were evolved with two different D0’s until freeze-out at two different Tf’s, with the inverse Fourier transform to obtain ϕ˜(x) performed at Tf. In all panels, we have chosen a trajectory with ξmax=3fm. The three r values depicted via the colored curves correspond to three r values on the freeze-out surface in the lab frame. The black dashed and dotted curves are the equilibrium curves at T=Tf and T=Tc respectively. The dashed brown curve is the (noncritical) equilibrium curve corresponding to ξ=ξ0.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (27)

      Figure 13

      Normalized measure of the fluctuations in proton multiplicity, ω˜p=ωpωpnc, as a function of the maximum equilibrium correlation length along the system trajectory, which is to say as a function of how closely the trajectory passes the critical point. As D0, the ω˜p’s approach their equilibrium values shown in panel (c).

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (28)

      Figure 14

      Normalized measure of the fluctuations in pion multiplicity, ω˜π=ωπωπnc, as a function of the maximum equilibrium correlation length along the system trajectory, which is to say as a function of how closely the trajectory passes the critical point. As D0, the ω˜π’s approach their equilibrium values shown in panel (c). The definition of the normalized measure of fluctuations ω˜ is such that it is species-independent in equilibrium, meaning that panel (c)here is identical to panel (c)in Fig.13.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (29)

      Figure 15

      Panel (a): Normalized ϕ as a function of Q evolved according to model H dynamics with two values of D0, plotted at freeze-out τ=τf, corresponding to an equilibrium temperature of Tf(τf)=140MeV. The solid and dashed curves were obtained from the full solution (b3) for ϕQ and its truncated polynomial expansion (b14) respectively. Panel (b): Normalized fluctuation measure observable (rapidity space correlator) for protons C˜p(Δy) obtained with the full form (solid) and truncated form (dashed) of ϕQ. The qualitative and even semiquantitative agreement between the same colored curves in the right plot indicates that the low-Q modes contribute significantly to the variance of particle multiplicities. In obtaining these plots, ξmax was set to 3fm and the fluctuations at τi=1fm were initialized to their equilibrium value at τ=τi=1fm with Ti(τi)=235MeV.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (30)

      Figure 16

      Hydro+ fluctuation measure ϕQ evolved according to model A dynamics along two hydrodynamic flow lines passing through r=ri at initial time τ=τi, with ri=0.7fm (top four panels) and 5fm (bottom four panels). Plots in the left (right) column are for Γ0=1fm1 (Γ0=8fm1), with ξmax=1fm and ξmax=3fm in alternating rows. The solid (and dashed) curves are the ϕQ (and ϕ¯Q), normalized to the zero mode of the noncritical fluctuations. The black, red and blue curves correspond to ϕQ’s at the initial time τi and at the times when the equilibrium temperature reaches 160MeV and 140MeV respectively.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (31)

      Figure 17

      The values of ϕQ (suitably normalized) for three representative values of Q (same for each column), and for two values Γ0 (same in top and bottom six panels) and ξmax (same in alternating rows) as in Fig.16. The values of ϕQ are taken along a fluid cell trajectory and plotted as a function of temperature, which is a monotonous function of time τ along the trajectory. The trajectory chosen for these plots begins at ri=r(τi)=1.8fm. The dashed and solid curves represent the equilibrium ϕ¯Q and nonequilibrium ϕQ, respectively.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (32)

      Figure 18

      The Hydro+ variable ϕQ (normalized to its value at Q=0 away from the critical point, where ξ=ξ0) at freeze-out evolved with Γ0=1fm1 (upper panels) and 8fm1 (lower panels) and with ξmax=3fm. The left (right) panels show results for evolution until the decreasing temperature has reached a higher (lower) freeze-out temperature. The blue, red and purple curves show the values of ϕQ at different points on the freeze-out hypersurface, characterized by the radial coordinate r. The black dashed and dotted curves are the equilibrium curves at T=Tf and T=Tc respectively. The dashed brown curve is the (noncritical) equilibrium curve corresponding to ξ=ξ0.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (33)

      Figure 19

      ϕ˜×Δx2, the measure of fluctuations of s^ described by the correlator δs^(x+)δs^(x), at freeze-out as a function of the spatial separation between the points Δx|Δx|. In the calculations depicted in different panels, the ϕQ’s were evolved with two different Γ0’s until freeze-out at two different Tf’s, with the inverse Fourier transform to obtain ϕ˜(x) performed at Tf. In all panels, we have chosen a trajectory with ξmax=3fm. The three r values depicted via the colored curves correspond to three r values on the freeze-out surface in the lab frame. The black dashed and dotted curves are the equilibrium curves at T=Tf and T=Tc respectively. The dashed brown curve is the (noncritical) equilibrium curve corresponding to ξ=ξ0.

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (34)

      Figure 20

      Normalized measure of the fluctuations in proton multiplicity, ω˜p=ωpωpnc, as a function of the maximum equilibrium correlation length along the system trajectory, which is to say as a function of how closely the trajectory passes the critical point. As Γ0, the ω˜p’s approach their equilibrium values shown in panel (c).

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    • Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (35)

      Figure 21

      Normalized measure of the fluctuations in pion multiplicity, ω˜π=ωπωπnc, as a function of the maximum equilibrium correlation length along the system trajectory, which is to say as a function of how closely the trajectory passes the critical point. As Γ0, the ω˜π’s approach their equilibrium values shown in panel (c).

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    Freezing out fluctuations in $\text{Hydro}+$ near the QCD critical point (2024)


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