Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (2024)

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Today I’m gonna teach you how to make some of the most delicious moonshine! STRAWBERRY!

Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (1)

Its much easier than you can imagine, made with fresh juicy strawberries!

Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (2)


Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (3)

I used mason jars to store it in while it ‘creates’ itself.

The longer you leave it, the better but minimum time would be able a week.

Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (4)


Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (5)

Such a fun recipe that will definitely be one you will come back to again and again!

Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (6)

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Strawberry MOONSHINE!


  • 4 Cups of Sugar
  • 12 Cups of Water
  • 4 Cups of Fresh Lemon Juice
  • 1 1/2 Pints of Strawberry Purée
  • 5 Cups of 190 proof Everclear


  • Place a large pasta pot on low heat and pour in water and sugar.

  • Stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved.

  • Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.

  • Wash and pat dry your strawberries.

  • Remove the stems and dice

  • Take your diced berries and place in your blender and puree until smooth

  • Mix strawberry purée and lemon juice to your sugar water.

  • Next add in Everclear and stir well.

  • Strain your liquor mix and making sure to remove all pulp.

  • Pour mix into mason jars and let sit in refrigerator for about 2 weeks (longer the better).

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Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (7)

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    Comments & Reviews

  1. Sue says

    Looks good I have to try it


  2. Janet Bernard says

    With the Strawberry Moonshine recipe do you drink it the way ( after 2 weeks) it is in the jar or do you mix it with tonic or club soda etc.?


    • Jeff Schidler says

      No…drink right from the jar!


  3. C says

    What is Everclear please? I am in the Uk


    • Debbie says



    • bill says

      Everclear is a brand name for grain alcohol


    • Donna O'Conner says

      Brand of Vodka !


    • Dennis says

      Pure grain alcohol


    • Debi says

      It’s like grain alcohol….stronger proof than vodka…its 190….


    • Justin says

      Everclear is a type of Alcohol they sell here in the states. It’s about the strongest liquor you can buy.


    • Edith Wherton says

      Everclear is 190 proof grain alcohol. It is not available in the uk and i dont think it can get through customs


    • Jonathan says

      It’s 190 proof grain alcohol


    • Brenda says

      180 proof grain alcohol


    • Goody says

      190 proof grain alcohol (moonshine)


    • Pam says

      It is grain alcohol


    • Heather says

      Everclear is a grain alcohol that can be 190, 189, or 151 proof.


    • JW says

      190 proof grain alcohol


    • Erin says

      Clear grain alcohol. 190 proof


  4. Brad giroux says

    If your already using alcool for the alchohol why do you need to let it sit a couple weeks?


    • Brenda says

      You don’t. But the longer you let it set the smoother it gets.


    • Jason says

      The reason for letting it sit is to blend the flavors well, making it a smoother drink. If you drink it right away, the taste of the alcohol will be much more noticable.


  5. Kathryn Novak says

    Can I get a copy of this recipe sent to my email address?


  6. Lisa says

    What is 190 proof Everclear? Not sure if I can get this in Canada! Can I use something else?


    • Jas says

      It’s very strong moonshine. And unfortunately it’s illegal in Canada still. The recipe is just for flavouring the moonshine itself.


    • Amber says

      Everclear is a cheap vodka here in the states, but it is STRONG.


      • Sandy says

        Not cheap vodka, it’s grain alcohol – legalized moonshine.


    • Donna O'Conner says

      Brand of Vodka !


    • Will says

      Vodka worked for my apple pie moonshine


    • Justin says

      Everclear is a type of liquor they sell here in the states. It’s about one of the strongest ones you can buy.


    • Goody says

      Moonshine in legal form. 190 proof alchohol.


  7. Ken Lade says

    Just a couple of questions. Why do we have to refrigerate this mixture. If it has to be refrigerated does it have to be in the refrigerator until it is consumed. I’m trying to decide if I can make this in any sizable quanity. But if it has to stay refrigerator until consumed that could limit how much is going to be made. Last question. How long can this mixture be held until it goes bad? Thanks for your time and what looks like a good recipe.


    • Joy neumeier says

      Do you have to refrigerate


  8. Patty says

    What size mason jars & how many would you need?


  9. Marylyn says

    Sounds wonderful.


  10. Barbara Elmore says

    Am wondering could you can this?


  11. Pam says

    Thank you
    Can’t wait to try it.


  12. Sylvie Iellamo says

    Approximately how many lemons do you need for 4 cups of juice?


  13. Bobby Porter says

    If thoroughly strained, why cool or refridgeerate?


  14. Valerie West says

    I make Apple Pie Moonshine, now I can make this as well. Makes great gifts.


  15. Mona says

    I make monshine a lot and I’ve always filtered the fruit after purée before
    Adding the alcohol, so I don’t loose the alcohol % during the filtering process. With this being a purée I would filter it several times. The less pulp the longer it will have a shelf life.


  16. Christine Callison says

    Since I can’t drink due to health issues, can I make it without alcohol and will it taste as good?


  17. Joy neumeier says

    Do you have to refrigerate


  18. Julie Sullivan says

    Does the same rule apply to blackberries?


  19. Jennifer welling says

    What proof will it end up being after its ready to drink?


  20. Shirley Reister says

    would like to see the answers to all the above questions please


  21. Barbara Elmore says

    Could you can this?


  22. Bradford Clark says

    Can you use 151 proof Everclear to make strawberry moonshine?


  23. Danelle Dehne says

    Is it 1 1/2 pints of strawberries or 1 1/2 pints strawberry purée. I am confused!


  24. Leosan says

    Everclear is not vodka, it is grain alcohol, totally different things.


  25. Joshua says

    Just did this tonight. I tried an apple pie moonshine back in December that turned out well. I need to point out that Everclear is NOT Vodka it’s pure grain alcohol. I used frozen organic strawberries and I also used organic lemon juice. Initially the taste is overwhelming for alcohol which is why you want it to set in the fridge for a couple of weeks so the flavors blend and it’s more of a smooth taste. You need to run the filter several times if you want to keep it for longer b/c the pulp will make the drink go bad sooner rather than later. If you have the pulp in it you 100% need to refrigerate.


  26. Jeanne says

    Just what I was looking for.


  27. Lisa P says

    We are making this recipe and wondering how long it’s shelf life is? We are planning on keeping it refrigerated.


Strawberry MOONSHINE! - My Incredible Recipes (2024)


What is strawberry moonshine made of? ›

Mix strawberry purée and lemon juice to your sugar water. Next add in Everclear and stir well. Strain your liquor mix and making sure to remove all pulp. Pour mix into mason jars and let sit in refrigerator for about 2 weeks (longer the better).

How much sugar is in strawberry moonshine? ›

Nutrition Facts
83 more rows

Do you drink moonshine cold or warm? ›

Either way—it depends on your preference and the type of drink. For example, you might drink straight moonshine at room temperature. Or, warm up some apple pie moonshine for a toasty, comforting drink on a cold fall or winter night. You can also drink it as a chilled co*cktail with ginger ale or iced tea.

Is moonshine good with Sprite? ›

Pour the moonshine into a tumbler filled with cubed or crushed ice. Top it off with Sprite, stir well, and enjoy! For an added burst, throw in some crushed mint leaves or freshly cut slices of orange.

What is the main alcohol in moonshine? ›

While distillate or moonshine can be made from pretty much any type of grain, it originally was made from barley or rye. Moonshine at its purest form, is whiskey, or bourbon distillate. It is un-aged, high in proof, and clear in color.

How long does strawberry moonshine last? ›

“How long will a jar keep unopened.” Different flavors will have different life spans. Generally they will last two years unopened and about six months after opening.

Can moonshine be healthy? ›

Health Risks and Dangers of Drinking Moonshine

There is no quality control or formal testing, so while one batch of moonshine seems fine, the next could be deadly. Consider that you could die from drinking just 30 milliliters (ml) of methanol.

Does moonshine turn to sugar? ›

Alcohol, at no stage of being broken down, turns into sugar!

Keep in mind too, that soft-drinks added to liquors for long drinks, do contain high levels of sugar, as well as undesirable chemicals.

Can you eat the strawberries in moonshine? ›

The infused flavors are hand-packed with real fruit to impart flavor and color, without making the moonshine overly sweet. The fruit is preserved in the alcohol, making it safe to eat even for years after the jar has been opened, even if Midnight Moon recommends against it.

Is antifreeze in moonshine? ›

Poorly produced moonshine can be contaminated, mainly from materials used in the construction of the still. Stills employing automotive radiators as condensers are particularly dangerous; in some cases, glycol produced from antifreeze can be a problem.

What is a single shot of moonshine equal to? ›

Agreed, although a single shot of moonshine is a equivalent to a little over a pint of beer. You can drink that and be well within alcohol consumption guidelines in US. Even most alcohol-naïve people would only be minimally intoxicated from a single shot of moonshine.

Is moonshine good for pain? ›

Pain reliever

However, scientific studies have shown that alcohol, especially moonshine, is a very effective painkiller for its high alcohol content. You've probably heard of people “drinking away their pain” — it seems as though there is some truth to that!

What food pairs well with moonshine? ›

Nothing says moonshine chaser like a perfectly grilled steak or smoked meat. Steaks rich in fat content go well with spirits containing smoky flavors, while leaner meats pair better with sweeter hints of flavor, and cured and dry meats fit well with smooth, buttery drinks.

What soft drink is slang for moonshine? ›

"Mountain Dew" was originally Southern and/or Scots-Irish slang for moonshine (i.e., homemade whiskey or poitín), as referenced in the Irish folk song "The Rare Old Mountain Dew", dating from 1882. Using it as the name for the soda was originally suggested by Carl E.

Does moonshine go bad? ›

Moonshine has a longer shelf life than other simple spirits, lasting up to six months after opening. However, once a bottle of moonshine is opened, the shelf life is only 2-3 years. Does Moonshine with Fruit Go Bad? Moonshine that contains fruits does not go bad.

What alcohol is made from strawberries? ›

Fragoli is an Italian liqueur, with real strawberries inside the bottle, that sells for about $40. Though it's not common enough to be at every corner liquor store, places like BevMo tend to carry it.

Is moonshine just homemade alcohol? ›

Moonshine is an alcoholic drink that is made illegally and typically in secret. The main ingredient in moonshine is corn mash, which is mixed with water and then distilled. The distilling process is what makes it so potent and can also make it dangerous.

Is moonshine a gin or vodka? ›

There are a few unaged whiskeys on the market - the “legal moonshine” you can get in liquor stores is unaged whiskey - but generally it's aged. This adds flavor and color from the wood. Vodka and gin are distilled neutral spirits. In other words, they run the product through a still and put it in a bottle right away.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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