The Smoothest Moonshine Mash Recipe You Will Ever Need – Still'n The Clear (2024)

Have you been looking for a super easy mash recipe that isn't complicated and tastes amazing?

Well look no more!

I have been making moonshine for over two decades now and have tried all sorts of recipes. I have experimented with every type of ingredient imaginable, yet the smoothest mash I have ever made is so simple it will surprise you.

If you're a beginner this recipe is perfect for you. This recipe doesn't depend on complex ingredients to break down starch chains into sugars. This recipe is super simple.

It only takes two ingredients (not including the sugar and yeast) and you’ll have the smoothest whiskey run you’ve ever had. Hint: Sweet feed is the secret ingredient.

In this article, I give you my top beginner recipe for making the best mash along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to make moonshine, along with some product recommendations.

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Why is the mash recipe so important?

The mash is the most important factor when talking about the flavor of the whiskey. For example, let’s say you make a whiskey run that turns out to be 110 proof. This means that it’s 55% alcohol. So the other 45% is the water that came from the mash.

Therefore, the mash affects the final product in a huge way.

This recipe will make batch sizes from 3 to 30 gallons by total volume including the grains.

Now that you have your ingredients, you will need to calculate your batch size in gallons.

I have created the chart below for different size recipes for mash batches in gallons. To alter the batch size just insert numbers from the chart into the instructions that follow. The rest of this article will be an example of a 10 gallon batch.

Water (Gallons)

Grains (lbs)

Yeast (TBSP)

Sugar (LBS)





















Step-By-Step Guide To Making Moonshine

Step One: Crack the grains

Cracking the grains is a process to soften the grains to let the flavor out.

In a large pot, add 10 gallons of water. An outdoor turkey fryer pot works great. Bring this water to 190 degrees. I use an outdoor propane burner.

The Smoothest Moonshine Mash Recipe You Will Ever Need – Still'n The Clear (1)

While waiting for the water to come to temperature put one part sweet feed to 2 parts corn in a 5 gallon bucket until its full.

Weigh out your grains in a 2 to 1 ratio. For the 10 gallon batch, this will be 6 lbs of corn and 3 lbs of sweet feed. Set aside until the water reaches 160f.

Now you can add the grains and reduce heat to maintain 160f for 45 minutes. Continuously stir the mash to avoid letting the grains scorch on the bottom of the pot.

The Smoothest Moonshine Mash Recipe You Will Ever Need – Still'n The Clear (2)

The Smoothest Moonshine Mash Recipe You Will Ever Need – Still'n The Clear (3)

I wrote astart-to-finish beginner's guide to making your first batch of moonshine.

It's also a great ebook for those who want to brush up on their moonshine making skills, and learn some new techniques.

In this eBook I take youstep-by-step on how to make moonshine, from start to finish.

I also include my best recipes for making moonshine that are tested and true.

Step Two: Mix the Mash

Now dump the cracked grains into a 30 gallon container and stir in 25 lbs. of sugar. When the sugar is dissolved completely add 15 to 20 gallons of cold water until the mash mix reaches 30 gallons by total volume.

Step Three: Add the Yeast

When the temperature of the mash drops down to the recommended temperature by the yeast manufacturer, you can go ahead and add the yeast. I have found that 1 tablespoon of yeast per 5 gallons of mash works well.

A distiller’s yeast will produce the best results. I’ve found that the Red Star brand works really well and is very affordable.

Step Four: Let the Mash Ferment

Now all you have to do is wait. Let the mash do its thing for about a week. You’ll know when the mash is done when you can no longer see the bubbling produced by the yeast as it releases carbon dioxide.

Once the fermentation is complete, strain the liquid to remove the spent solids and place the liquid into your still. This final liquid is called the wash. You only want to put the wash into the still.

And that's it! I told you it was easy!

The Smoothest Moonshine Mash Recipe You Will Ever Need – Still'n The Clear (4)

Many of my readers told me that it can be really hard too find the unpelletized sweet feed for this recipe.

I created an ingredients kit you can purchase which has all the ingredients you need to mash a 10 gallon batch. Check it out!


I hope you have enjoyed this article and will find the recipe easy and fun to make!

You will really enjoy the extremely smooth whiskey that comes from this mash.

Just note that moonshine making is both an art and science, your first batch won't be perfect, and your second batch likely won't either.

However, if you stick to it and learn the nuances of your still, you can be a moonshining making pro in no time!

Please leave me a question or comment below in the comment section.

Happy stilling!

The Smoothest Moonshine Mash Recipe You Will Ever Need – Still'n The Clear (2024)


How do you make sweet feed moonshine mash? ›

At-Home Easy Sweet Feed Moonshine Mash Recipe – Small Batch

Put enough feed to cover bottom of 5 gallon bucket a good 4 inches deep, then add five pounds of sugar. Fill half full with boiling water. Mix until sugar is dissolved. Let sit for ninety minutes and then finish filling with cool water.

How much sugar for 5 gallons of mash? ›

For a 5 gallon mash: (201)

If using bird feed, make sure it is perishable, or in other words is free of preservatives. 7 lbs (3.2kg) of granulated sugar. 1 tbsp yeast (distillers yeast if available.)

How much moonshine should you get from 5 gallons of mash? ›

You can generally assume that your alcohol still will produce a final batch that is about 20% of the size of your copper still's pot. For example, the average run in a 5 gallon still can be expected to produce about a gallon or a gallon and a half of moonshine.

How do you make moonshine smooth? ›

Glycerine is used to smooth and mellow spirits and add some modest body. If you think your distillate is a little sharp or has a bit too much of that 'alcohol burn,' adding a few drops of glycerine can reduce the harshness, add mellowness and improve mouthfeel.

What makes moonshine taste better? ›

If you want to get more of the earthy taste of moonshine in your co*cktail, try pairing it with ginger ale (not ginger beer). Sweet ginger ale can make moonshine go down smoother and is a good starting point for those new to drinking moonshine.

What happens if you put too much yeast in mash? ›

Adding too much yeast can cause your brew to spoil, resulting in a nasty-tasting drink that no one will want to drink. Too much yeast can be problematic when brewing beer.

How much honey do I need for 5 gallons of mash? ›

Ingredients: 5 gallons spring water 5 pounds honey 2 packets dry yeast (4 ½ teaspoons using bulk yeast) Directions: 1.

What happens if there is too much sugar in fermentation? ›

However, overloading the must with sugar can overwhelm the yeast and make it difficult for fermentation to begin. With small batches (1-gallon recipes), the amount of sugar is small enough that it won't bother the yeast. In these cases, you can add the sugar all at once at the beginning of primary fermentation.

How much head do you throw away when distilling? ›

The foreshots are the first part of the distillate (usually 50-200 mL depending on what is being distilled) which are discarded as these can contain harmful compounds and off-flavours.

Can you put too much sugar in your mash? ›

If the sugar concentration level of the must becomes too high at any given point--either at the beginning or during the fermentation--it starts to have an inhibiting effect on the yeast's ability to produce alcohol.

At what proof are tails? ›

Tails are the last part of your distillate, constituting anything that comes out once your vapor temp reaches 203°F (95°C) - 207°F/208°F (97°C/98°C).

What makes moonshine clear? ›

He said, "Here boy...just lick the glass, then tell me if ya want some more." Moonshine is clear because when your mash or wash is distilled, the first thing to evaporate and exit the still is ethanol, or ethyl alcohol (same thing).

Does moonshine get smoother with age? ›

The sixth step is to age the moonshine.

To age the moonshine, you can store it in a barrel. This will give it a smooth, mellow flavor.

Should you shake up moonshine? ›

The experienced, old school moonshiners are able to tell the proof of their moonshine by simply shaking the mason jar and observing the bubbles. If the moonshine has large bubbles that dissolve quickly it indicates the moonshine has a high alcohol content.

What is sweet mash process? ›

Sweet mash is the distilling process in which each batch of whiskey begins with entirely fresh ingredients. Mash bill one features 94 percent rye and 6 percent malted barley.

How much sugar should I add to my mash? ›

Assuming you add enough grains to craft a 6.3% ABV beer, according to the chart, you'll need to add at least 1lb of sugar to hit a potential alcohol of 7.5%, because adding 1lb of sugar will increase the potential alcohol by 1.2% for a 5 gallon batch. 1 lb.

What's in sweet feed? ›

A sweet feed, or a textured feed, is a grain mixture (oats, corn, barley, bran, etc.) with molasses, protein, and vitamin-mineral pellets added to it. Sometimes, additional fat, fiber, or yeast are added to a sweet feed.

How long does it take to make a sugar mash? ›

This should happen within approximately 7 days (providing the temperature has been 20°C (68°F) or above throughout).


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Name: Eusebia Nader

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